Tag: women

Applauding for Vader

Note: there are very mild spoilers here. I think I’ve provided no surprising details if you’ve seen the other movies, nor will the general descriptions of characters ruin your experience of the film. But as […]

On Not Ignoring Augustine

Author’s note:  as I was writing this post, Michelle Obama gave a campaign speech in New Hampshire for Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Instead of her usual stump speech, she spoke primarily about the nationwide conversation we […]

Thoughts on our subfield after the 2016 Coptic Congress

Close to two weeks ago, the 11th Congress the International Association of Coptic Studies concluded.  Every 4 years, some scholars in Coptic Studies gather for a fairly traditional conference. I’ve been going to the Congress […]

More on Social Networks and Provenance

There have been some really great conversations on Twitter and Facebook this morning about the article in the Atlantic on the owner of the Jesus Wife fragment.  I want to add some more thoughts that […]

The Melanias of Late Antique Christianity

This fall, I will have the privilege of seeing a book I co-edited with the amazing Catherine M. Chin appear in print.  Melania:  Early Christianity through the Life of One Family contains articles by an incredible […]

The Power of the “Woman Card”

Friday I traveled to my homestate of Arizona and back to celebrate the life of a woman close to me and to my family, Judge Sarah Dickenson Grant.  Sarah was my mother’s best friend, and her […]