Author: admin

The work is the resistance

I am so pleased to affirm, support, and sign on to the following statement released yesterday by the University of the Pacific Academic Council (our faculty governing body or faculty senate): Dear Colleagues, We in […]

Applauding for Vader

Note: there are very mild spoilers here. I think I’ve provided no surprising details if you’ve seen the other movies, nor will the general descriptions of characters ruin your experience of the film. But as […]

On Not Ignoring Augustine

Author’s note:  as I was writing this post, Michelle Obama gave a campaign speech in New Hampshire for Hillary Rodham Clinton.  Instead of her usual stump speech, she spoke primarily about the nationwide conversation we […]

Thoughts on our subfield after the 2016 Coptic Congress

Close to two weeks ago, the 11th Congress the International Association of Coptic Studies concluded.  Every 4 years, some scholars in Coptic Studies gather for a fairly traditional conference. I’ve been going to the Congress […]

Collaborating in Public

This week, a research collaboration I’m in released an initial version of a new online Coptic dictionary.  I blogged about it for the project.  Even though it’s very preliminary, we’re pretty excited. I want to […]

Revised article posted

In my forthcoming article, I wrote that comments by Eva Mroczek and Meredith Warren had been deleted from the Evangelical Text Criticism blog in 2014; in fact comments by other people were deleted.  I appreciate […]

On Institutional Responsibilities and on Gender: Final thoughts on the G of Jesus Wife

Image: Dr. Agnes Smith Lewis & Dr. Margaret Dunlop Gibson (the “Sisters of Sinai”) via Cambridge University Library   I’m thrilled that Tony Burke of York University has posted a pre-publication draft of my article, “Gender and […]

Signaling Crisis

In the DHSI Physical Computing class, Anne Cong-Huyen (Whittier College), Devin Becker (University of Idaho), and I created a project we titled “Signaling Crisis” for our end of week prototype. This project was a true […]

On Kindness and Critique:  my thoughts 2 years ago on the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife”

Two years ago, my former colleague and all around smart, kind, and funny person Anthony LeDonne invited me to give an interview on the so-called Gospel of Jesus’s Wife on The Jesus Blog. I revisited […]

Experimentation in Physical Computing and Fabrication

I’ve been blogging this week about my participation in a physical computing and fabrication course at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute.  Our instructors have been the team of the University of Victoria Maker Lab, directed […]

More on Social Networks and Provenance

There have been some really great conversations on Twitter and Facebook this morning about the article in the Atlantic on the owner of the Jesus Wife fragment.  I want to add some more thoughts that […]

Provenance provenance provenance

Ariel Sabar has a new article out in the Atlantic digging into the provenance of the papyrus known as the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife or the Jesus Wife fragment.  Sabar makes a strong case that […]