Category: DHSI

Signaling Crisis

In the DHSI Physical Computing class, Anne Cong-Huyen (Whittier College), Devin Becker (University of Idaho), and I created a project we titled “Signaling Crisis” for our end of week prototype. This project was a true […]

Experimentation in Physical Computing and Fabrication

I’ve been blogging this week about my participation in a physical computing and fabrication course at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute.  Our instructors have been the team of the University of Victoria Maker Lab, directed […]

Whose heritage are we remixing?

This past spring, I purchased a small 3d printer with the goal of experimenting with it to understand 3d fabrication a bit better before taking the Physical Computing and Desktop Fabrication class at DHSI.  I […]

Mary Had an Arduino Kit…

My first day in Physical Computing and Desktop Fabrication (yesterday) at DHSI involved playing around with an Arduino kit — basically a little computer board you can add lots of components to to make some cool […]

On Palmyra and 3D Modeling Cultural Heritage in the Middle East

Over the past few months, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the relationship between academic scholarship and the atrocities of war. In particular the role of digital scholarship: its potential for protesting these […]