Tag: manuscripts

Congratulating our colleagues!

Two pillars in the fields of Digital Humanities, cultural heritage, and the manuscripts of the Eastern Mediterranean world received honors this month, and we at Coptic Scriptorium wish to congratulate them both. Dr.  Tito Orlandi was awarded the Busa Prize for lifetime achievement by the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations at the annual Digital Humanities Conference […]

Thoughts on our subfield after the 2016 Coptic Congress

Close to two weeks ago, the 11th Congress the International Association of Coptic Studies concluded.  Every 4 years, some scholars in Coptic Studies gather for a fairly traditional conference. I’ve been going to the Congress […]

On Kindness and Critique:  my thoughts 2 years ago on the “Gospel of Jesus’s Wife”

Two years ago, my former colleague and all around smart, kind, and funny person Anthony LeDonne invited me to give an interview on the so-called Gospel of Jesus’s Wife on The Jesus Blog. I revisited […]

More on Social Networks and Provenance

There have been some really great conversations on Twitter and Facebook this morning about the article in the Atlantic on the owner of the Jesus Wife fragment.  I want to add some more thoughts that […]

Provenance provenance provenance

Ariel Sabar has a new article out in the Atlantic digging into the provenance of the papyrus known as the Gospel of Jesus’s Wife or the Jesus Wife fragment.  Sabar makes a strong case that […]

My digital future

This fall, as I have been trying to finish up my book project, Monks and Their Children, I have been asked more than once:  What’s your next project?   When I start describing copticscriptorium.org, I frequently […]

The so-called Rule of Pcol

The writings of Shenoute form the largest corpus of early monastic texts by a single author from one of the cradles of Christian monasticism, Egypt. These manuscripts open an important window onto the development of […]

Rule fragment published in Le Muséon

The rule fragment I’ve been working on has now been published as an article in a traditional journal, Le Muséon.  Photos of the manuscript, a transcription, translation, and analysis are there.  

Tagging Shenoute

By Caroline T. Schroeder & Amir Zeldes Schroeder presented this paper at the annual meeting of the North American Patristics Society in Chicago, Illinois, on May 24, 2014.  This post is a very minimally edited […]

New White Monastery Text Discovered!

Republished courtesy Orientalist Today Lost Egyptian Text found in Ohio Attic 1 April 2014, Orientalist Today Columbus natives Joe and Julia Needler were shocked to learn that the “souvenirs” they discovered a decade ago in […]

January 2014 Coptic SCRIPTORIUM release notes

We’ve released some additional TEI XML files for our SCRIPTORIUM corpora at http://coptic.pacific.edu (backup site http://www.carrieschroeder.com/scriptorium). All the TEI files have been lightly annotated with linguistic annotations. The metadata has been updated to provide more […]

SBL presentation on Digital Coptic Editions and the Coptic Scriptorium project

I’ll be presenting at the SBL annual meeting this afternoon on Coptic Manuscripts, Digital Editions, and Digital Scholarship (including the new Coptic Scriptorium project). The presentation is during the Saturday 1-3:30 pm session on Eastern […]