Tag: cultural heritage

Thoughts on our subfield after the 2016 Coptic Congress

Close to two weeks ago, the 11th Congress the International Association of Coptic Studies concluded.  Every 4 years, some scholars in Coptic Studies gather for a fairly traditional conference. I’ve been going to the Congress […]

Signaling Crisis

In the DHSI Physical Computing class, Anne Cong-Huyen (Whittier College), Devin Becker (University of Idaho), and I created a project we titled “Signaling Crisis” for our end of week prototype. This project was a true […]

Experimentation in Physical Computing and Fabrication

I’ve been blogging this week about my participation in a physical computing and fabrication course at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute.  Our instructors have been the team of the University of Victoria Maker Lab, directed […]

More on Social Networks and Provenance

There have been some really great conversations on Twitter and Facebook this morning about the article in the Atlantic on the owner of the Jesus Wife fragment.  I want to add some more thoughts that […]

Whose heritage are we remixing?

This past spring, I purchased a small 3d printer with the goal of experimenting with it to understand 3d fabrication a bit better before taking the Physical Computing and Desktop Fabrication class at DHSI.  I […]

On Palmyra and 3D Modeling Cultural Heritage in the Middle East

Over the past few months, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the relationship between academic scholarship and the atrocities of war. In particular the role of digital scholarship: its potential for protesting these […]

The Nefertiti Hack:  Digital Repatriation or Theft?

Last week, news circulated widely that two artists (Nora Al-Badri and Jan Nikolai Nelles) had surreptitiously scanned the bust of Nefertiti in the Neues Museum in Berlin and publicly, freely released the 3-d scanning code […]

Coptic and Syriac on the early WWW

I’m working now on an article about early Coptic and Syriac on the web.  Websites from the 1990s and very early 2000s.  I’m interested in how these sites functioned as digital cultural heritage sites and […]

Maps with CartoDB and Tableau

Our unit in Intro DH right now is on mapping.  In class we’ll be working on creating maps with Palladio.  We also had a preliminary introduction to data, tables, and maps by experimenting with Google […]

Digital pedagogy and student knowledge production

The past two weeks in my Introduction to Digital Humanities course, students have been using the open-source content management system Omeka to create online exhibits related to the early Christian text, the Martyrdom of Perpetua and […]

My digital future

This fall, as I have been trying to finish up my book project, Monks and Their Children, I have been asked more than once:  What’s your next project?   When I start describing copticscriptorium.org, I frequently […]