Tag: bible

Automatically parsed OT and NT corpora

We are pleased to announce that a new version of the automatically annotated New Testament and Old Testament corpora is now available online in Coptic Scriptorium! The new version has substantially better automatic segmentation accuracy, and, for the first time, automatic syntactic parses for each verse. For more information on the syntax annotations, please see […]

More on Social Networks and Provenance

There have been some really great conversations on Twitter and Facebook this morning about the article in the Atlantic on the owner of the Jesus Wife fragment.  I want to add some more thoughts that […]

SBL, RBL, and thanks

I sent my letter in to the RBL and SBL last night. Thank you so much to everyone who read it and shared it. I am especially grateful to folks like Rebecca Lesses, Chuck Jones, […]

Dear SBL:  A Paywall Will Bring Neither Prestige nor Progress

The Bryn Mawr Classical Review and the Review of Biblical Literature (RBL) are my first stops for information about new or new-to-me books in biblical studies or late antiquity.  I do not work at an institution […]

First foray into topic modeling

I spent two weeks at DHSI this year.  Week 2 I took Liz Losh’s and Jacque Wernimont’s Feminist DH, which was incredible and I highly recommend to everyone.  Check out the #femdh stream on Twitter […]