We are very happy to announce that the Coptic Dictionary Online (CDO) has won the 2019 Digital Humanities Award in the category Best Tool or Suite of Tools! The dictionary interface, shown below, gives users access to searches by Coptic word forms, definitions in three languages (English, French and German), pattern and part of speech searches, and more. We have also added links to quantitative corpus data, including attestation and collocation analyses from data published by Coptic Scriptorium.
The dictionary is the result of a collaboration between Coptic Scriptorium and lexicographers in Germany at the Berlin-Brandenburg and Göttingen Academies of Science, the Free University in Berlin, and the Universities of Göttingen and Leipzig. This collaboration has been funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the German Research Foundation (DFG).
To read more about the dictionary’s structure and creation, see Feder et al. (2018).
A view of the Coptic Dictionary Online