Coptic Scriptorium’s summer adventures

This has been a summer of writing, annotating, and conferencing!

German PI Dr. Prof. Heike Behlmer and US PI Caroline T. Schroeder.

German PI Dr. Prof. Heike Behlmer and US PI Caroline T. Schroeder at Schroeder’s recent visit to the Coptic Old Testament Project at the University and the Goettingen Academy.

We are winding up our collaborative grant with our German partners (Coptic Old Testament Project, the Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae, the DDGLC, and the INTF).  Our German and US PI’s met in Göttingen, Germany, earlier this summer.   We’re working on writing our final reports and exchanging data and technologies.  We’re hoping to publish more annotated texts later this year.

We also have had a series of conference papers, including a paper on one of our collaboration’s proudest achievements, the online Coptic Dictionary.  Here are some of the lectures and conference presentations this summer:

Miyagawa, So and Zeldes, Amir (2018) “A Semantic Map of the Coptic Complementizer če Based on Corpus Analysis: Grammaticalization and Areal Typology in Africa,” International Workshop on Semantic maps: Where do we stand and where are we going? Liège, Belgium. June.

Schroeder, Caroline T. (2018) “A Homily is a Homily is a Homily is a Corpus:  Digital Approaches to Shenoute,” The Transmission of Early Christian Homilies from Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages Conference, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main. June.

Schroeder, Caroline T. (2018) “Coptic Studies in the Digital Age,” Department of Ancient History, Macquarie University. July.

Schroeder, Caroline T. (2018) “Coptic Studies in a Digital Age,” UCLA-St. Shenouda Foundation Coptic Studies Conference, Los Angeles. July.

Feder, Frank,Maxim Kupreyev, Emma Manning, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes. “A Linked Coptic Dictionary Online”. Proceedings of LaTeCH 2018 – The 11th SIGHUM Workshop at COLING2018. Santa Fe, NM. August. [paper online]

As always, thanks to all our contributors, collaborators, and board members for their insight and labor.

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